السبت، 20 يونيو 2015


On the shores of the Pacific Ocean. An excellent ecological destination for lovers of nature and birds, the Paracas National Reserve and the Ballestas Islands. It also offers historical and cultural attractions with archaeological remains of the Paracas culture. It is a good alternative to spend excellent moments of rest and relaxation in excellent hotels facing the sea. For lovers of water sports like windsurfing, diving, fishing and discarding not know their arid deserts and have an adventure in buggies for its impressive dunes and waves for surfers San Gallan Island


La Selva Amazónica. Paraíso natural en la amazonía del Perú, el jardín del Edén. La Reserva Nacional de Tambopata está situada entre las cuencas de los ríos Tambopata y Madre de Dios, tiene una superficie de 274,690 hectáreas. La riqueza de su biodiversidad es incalculable, los científico ya han registrado 632 especies de aves, 1,200 especies de mariposas, 169 especies de mamíferos, 205 especies de peces, 103 especies de anfibios y 67 especies de reptiles. La vegetación es típica de las regiones tropicales, las mejores colpas de guacamayos del mundo, paisajes selváticos maravillosos. Zona ideal para observación de aves y los ritos del ayahuasca. Accesible a través de Puerto Maldonado.

Trujillo Tourism

Trujillo is the capital of the department of La Libertad, called the "city of eternal spring", founded by the Spanish conquistador Diego de Almagro on December 6, 1534, located a short distance from the capital Chan Chan nation Chimu, on a valley of great hegemony of Hispanic cultures and very near the sea.
Between 1685 and 1687, given the opulence of Trujillo and due to pirate raids, the city was walled for protection and this building is now the historic center where stand the old houses of exquisite gates, convents and churches, squares and streets as witnesses to his old lineage, a severe and stately, colonial and republican city where luxury and ostentation was common.
Until the mid-twentieth century, the wealth of this area was given in agricultural production in sugar cane estates, and since then began the industrialization and trade; currently they dominate the production of sugar cane, rice, asparagus, agro-industry and footwear production. Today is one of the most important cities of Peru.
Very close to the city are numerous and wonderful archaeological sites, a legacy of more than 12 thousand years of history of Peruvian towns of Cupisnique, Salinar, Viru, Moche and Chimu cultures, highlighting the citadel of Chan Chan, declared Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
Trujillo is also famed for its traditional celebrations of the National Marinera Contest, the International Spring Festival, Horse Contest Peruvian Paso, exhibition and contests reed horses, Biennial of Contemporary Art and International Ballet Festival, so also it called the "Cultural Capital of Peru.


The town of Friendship. Chiclayo has the fortune of being the gateway to the most recent spectacular archaeological discoveries such as the Lord of Sipan in Sipan, Lord of Sican in Batan Grande - Pomac Forest Historical Sanctuary, Valley of the Pyramids of Tucume and Tombs of Sipan Museum. Thanks to this, Chiclayo becomes the second destination, after Cuzco, the archaeological and historical interest it generates. Chiclayo is the city of sorcerers, healers and esotericism. Also in the beach circuit you will appreciate the ancient reed horses in Pimentel and Eten 2nd World Eucharistic city. Three protected natural areas ideal for nature lovers and bird watchers. It has one of the best cuisines in the north of

Arequipa and Colca Valley

Arequipa is also known as the "White City." Its historic center has been recognized as a World Heritage Site by the architecture of its beautiful colonial buildings in white ashlar, highlighting their houses, churches, temples and monasteries such as Santa Catalina. It is surrounded by beautiful countryside with villages with beautiful scenery. From here you can visit the famous Colca Valley and the Colca Canyon, protected natural areas like the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca and the Mejia Lagoons National Sanctuary. In its mountains and snowy peaks, rivers and plains are excellent locations for adventure sports. It is ideal for exploring colonial monuments, living cultures and make tourism outdoors enjoying adventure, nature and biodiversity target. Arequipa enjoys one of the best cuisines of Peru.

الأحد، 7 يونيو 2015


What is a pyramid? Is it a polyhedron whose base is a polygon and whose four triangular faces meet at a single vertex? Well yes, that's it, but it's more than that. The pyramid, which in its megalithic release played a very important role in the histories of two civilizations, has excited more speculation and fantasy than any other solid geometric shape. The cubes and other dodecahedrons never had much press that the pyramid. Before conducting the survey on the most fantastic myths with respect to the pyramids, let's review some facts that, in every curious mind, stay even more exciting than fantasy.
The dynastic history of Egyptian civilization covers over 3,000 years, during which the age of the pyramid accounts for less than 500 years, although this form of construction continued in a looser form, for 500 years. There are more than 90 pyramids in Egypt, some in a state of disrepair that they look more like a pile of rubble than anything else.

It is no wonder that so many people have exercised their imagination, speculating as to the purpose of such massive constructions on the methods used for their construction. Although many unknowns still float about the pyramids of Egypt, we do not doubt that they were built according to the funeral rites of the Egyptian religion and their construction methods are quite plausible even in the light of technological limitations of the time. Egyptian religion was based primarily on the belief in a life after death, which depended, to achieve, to protect the remains of the deceased. At the time predynastic important people were buried under a mound of sand whose form seemed to have a religious significance. During the first and second dynasties, the mound became more elaborate and took a rectangular, adorned with a mud brick structure, called "Mastaba". Naturally the mastaba of the Pharaoh was the largest, although it was found fine examples for nobles or officials. During the 3rd Dynasty, about 2680 BC, the Pharaoh of the time, Djoser, and his chancellor, Imhotep, were the promoters of the first pyramid (and therefore the biggest building stones of the world) .

Imhotep was deified as the god of healing by the Egyptians later, perhaps the first example of "God came among men!". It is tempting to speculate and say that Imhotep may have thought one day: "If I put another mastaba on the first and another until I have six, then my Pharaoh would be much more important than his old father. "but the excavations at the pyramid of Djoser revealed that several changes in the plan took place during its construction. First an unusual construction of a square mastaba was made in the material, unusual at the time, that was the stone. Then there were additions at different times, until it takes a rectangular shape and was built up by successive additions, until it becomes a 4-storey pyramid, then expands on both sides and up to $ 6 floors which was its final form. This clearly indicates that there was no sudden appearance of new ideas "from elsewhere" that suddenly transformed the Egyptians "primitive" in brilliant engineers and masons stones, smoky theory proposed by most irrational speculators Egyptian thing. Yet it is clear that Imhotep was an intelligent man, but it is equally clear that his ideas did not spring, from a mysterious source. His learning curve is inscribed in stone.

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is a series of Chinese military fortifications, erected between Fifth BC and sixteenth century to protect the northern border of China.

Today, we consider that this building would measure just under 7,000 kilometers long, approximately six meters high and four wide. In Chinese, the Great Wall is called the long wall of ten thousand li (a li is a Chinese unit of length, and ten thousand symbolizes infinity.). Indeed, the building is nearly 10,000 li.
The history of the Great Wall is as old, if not more, than most of the seven wonders of the world. Early in the first millennium BC, China was divided between several principalities, but theoretically subject to a king. By this time, several local leaders decided to build walls to defend their states.

In the fifth century BC, these hundreds of principalities, through the alliances and wars, had finally formed a dozen great kingdoms, not recognizing the authority of the king. The leaders of these states then decided to build walls to protect themselves (in those days, it was earth walls erected quickly and can resist for many years.). The this period is called the era of the Warring States.

However, during the third century BC, the Qin managed to gain an advantage over its rivals (note that the word "China" probably comes from Qin.). Once they removed, King Ying Zheng was crowned emperor by the name of Shi Huangdi.
The new sovereign, undertaking many reforms, decided to undertake the work of the Great Wall to protect these new possessions in northern kingdom. Today, the sources are particularly deficient as the work of erection of this building. However, many historians believe that Shi Huangdi restored part of the walls already built by his former rivals at the time of the Warring States.

In history and at the discretion of the geopolitical situation, the Great Wall was restored, extended, or abandoned.

Thus, following the death of Shi Huangdi, around 210 BC, his successors managed to retain power and the Qin dynasty ended quickly. In the Han dynasty, the rulers preferred to offer Chinese princesses to the invaders from the north (the Xiongnu.), Rather than maintaining the Great Wall.

Finally, it was the Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, who decided to attack the invaders from the north. From 130 BC, the king launched several expeditions, and had it restored the walls of Shi Huangdi. Pushing the Xiongnu in the Gobi desert, Wudi also made to extend the Great Wall in this region (during his reign, the sovereign erected nearly 1,000 kilometers of walls.)
However, in the seventeenth century, the Manchus were able to invade China (a Chinese officer opened the doors of a portion of the Great Wall. They then quickly seized Beijing, and established the Qing dynasty. annexing Mongolia and extending beyond the Great Wall, it fell into disuse.

Today, the Great Wall has only tourism. Thus, several segments of the wall were restored to accommodate many tourists. However, other portions of the Great Wall are now in ruins (because of time or human activity.)

السبت، 6 يونيو 2015


The adventure of the discovery of the famous ancient manuscripts began in 1947 in the hills of Judea, where the young shepherd Mohammed Hassan edh-Dhib, nicknamed "wolf", tried one of his lost animals in the limestone cliffs above the north shore -west of the Dead Sea. He sat down in the shade of the rocks he threw a game as a stone in a visible rock hole in front of him. He was surprised to hear a sound of broken object from the hollow where he had thrown the stone. Intrigued, he returned the next day with his cousin, and the two young men equipped with lamps and strings entered the cave, almost inaccessible to the side of the cliff.

            They found eight gandes jars closed with lids. They were intact except for one of them was broken, and when they drew old scrolls. The rollers were carefully wrapped in linen and covered with writing that was unknown. They also dégagèrent other munged enough and some scattered fragments rolls.
The two young Bedouins brought their manuscripts to an antique dealer in Bethlehem, Khalil Iskander Schahin, nicknamed Kando. This in part transmitted to the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Athanasius March, the convent St. Mark in Jerusalem. The religious did the pictures he sent to the American archaeologist William Albright. The specialist was enthusiastic and called them "groundbreaking archaeological finds." Metropolitan then transported the manuscripts in the United States where they were indirectly purchased by Israelis. The second batch was sold to the Israeli professor Eleazar Sukenik, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which also recognized their overriding importance and alerted his government. This bought the precious rolls, and all was again met in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Their review showed that they were written in Hebrew and particularly old.
But the saga was just beginning. The news of the discovery reached the Dominican Father Roland de Vaux, Director of the French Biblical School of Jerusalem, who had the idea to fully explore the cave where they came from, and also to go look around to other nearby caves. From 1947 to 1956, he organized in collaboration with the Palestine Archaeological Museum a series of exploration programs in the cliffs that surrounded the ruins of Khirbet Qumran plateau. This was the beginning of a search as sporty qu'exaltante. The new craze is described with good humor by an observer that "the excitement of the quest turned hoary venerable scholars in a new breed of goats archaeologists."
The excavations made it possible to explore many new caves (over two hundred in all), which also contained eleven manuscripts more or less good condition. In total, 100,000 manuscript fragments were brought to light, from nearly 900 rolls
However the proposed merger between Qumran and the Essenes did not unanimous. Authors who doubt as the exegete André Paul argues the absence of evidence, the site of Qumran who very well could have another function as a residence, an agricultural establishment or a craft center.

            More recently, however, a factor that can end the discussion complemented the debate. This is the discovery of a place for the less familiar: the latrine! James Tabor of the University of North Carolina, located the old commode places the site of Qumran [9] [10]. A text Josephus speaking of the Essene settlement details the toilets used by its members, description corresponds in all respects to identified site. Analyzes of soil samples from the laboratory have confirmed that the site had actually served as public toilets. Thus, there is little doubt that the site of Qumran was probably the site of the Essene sect.

            If the assumption by the Essenes of Qumran inhabitants seems to be confirmed, however other theories have gone further but could not be verified. Some authors, for example, a link between the Essenes and the origin of Christianity, imagining that Jesus himself could be formed Essene school during his retreat in the desert. The idea is also not new, since it is already in the Philosophical Dictionary Voltaire who made Jesus an Essene.

            In fact it is not. No New Testament text does not appear in the Qumran manuscripts. The Essenes is still strictly limited to Judaism and far short of the original spirituality of the Gospels, and in some ways it even diametrically opposed. Think, for example, the concern for bodily purity, obsession among the Essenes, while the attitude of Jesus in the Gospels relativize its importance. In reality, the assumption of Essene influence on Christianity is undocumented.

            In all cases, the discovery of the Qumran manuscripts is of considerable significance because they are now used as reference in the study of biblical texts


Petra é um na Jordânia important archaeological site, located between na unfurnished as montanhas that flank Leste formam or Wadi Araba, or large'd better do Mar Morto vai ao Gulf of Aqaba, perto do Mount Hor and do Deserto of Zin. Em 7 Julho 2007 foi considered, numa cerimônia made em Lisboa, Portugal, uma das Sete Novas maravilhas do mundo. Petra, or main cartão-zip gives Jordan is located about 3 hours and meia gives capital Amã. Chamada of "pink cidade" Petra (pedra em grego) foi founded by volta 312 BC Povo two nabateus hair, uma tribo Nômade Arabic. A cidade, então, em um das strategic ponto broken caravan, which transportavam incense, myrrh and ESPECIARIAS East transformou medium hair. Foi esquecida hair tempo and somente you locais sabiam Bedouin sua localização, be tied redescoberta em 1812, explorer Johan Ludwig Burckhardt suíço hair. To conhece-la to farm, Serão necessários to dois to three days, já that suas atrações estão quadrados espalhadas by 5.2 kilometers, full of tombs, temples, tanks, theaters etc.

Pontos de interesse

Petra, maravilha do mundo, é, shadow dúvida week or tesouro valuable mais da Jordânia ea maior tourist atração. É uma cidade na vast and unique face sculpted hair própria rochosa Nabateus, um Povo engenhoso Arab fixou here for mais 2000 years and that transformou major local num to give as broken silk, das ESPECIARIAS and broken outras comerciais that ligavam China , India Arábia do Sul ea ao Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome.

A ticket for a hair feita é cidade "Siq" estreito com mais um 1km from comprimento, penedos com flanked by towering 80 meters high. É hair Caminhar Siq, if só, uma unique experience. As cores e formações rochosas impressing as ODS. As we approach do fim do Siq, começamos to see Al-Khazneh (Tesouro).

This experience raises é uma admiração. Com uma impressive 30 meters in length and 43 sculpted facade height própria na um rochosa face to face and pink poeirento that tudo com seu seemed a tiny side. Foi sculpted em do primeiro século beginning to be or mound um rei and represents important nabateu or deste gênio ancestral Povo.

O Tesouro just é uma das maravilhas that compõem Petra. Vai require of hair least four ou five days to explore everything this place. As he enters not worth Petra, vai com fy assombrado local and natural deste Beleza com os notáveis ​​feitos arquitetônicos. Ha hundreds of tombs carved intricate Gravações na rocha com - ao das contrário houses, em large part, destroyed foram terramotos hairs, you foram tombs sculpted to durarem outra Ate a life and 500 sobreviveram, vazios, but when they watched suas peel impressing openings escuras . Here ha uma também imposing construção two Nabateus, 3000 Roman theater com sitting places. Ha obelisks, temples, altars to offer sacrifices and ruas com colunatas E, not high, it sobranceiro year, discover-is or Ad-Deir impressionante Mosteiro - for chegar 800 ha escadaria com uma na rocha degraus cut.

Nonlocal has excellent museus também dois; Petra Archaeological Museum or Museu Nabateu eo Petra both com Achados escavações região das na Petra and DAO to live conhecer or passado of Petra.

Um tempo do século XIII, I had built sultão hair Mamluk Al Nasir Mohammad to commemorate a morte Aarão, irmão Moses, prune not be visited Monte Aarão na Cordilheira of Sharah.

Not local, ha da Cidade Artesãos vários Wadi Musa and um Bedouin encampment near nas mounted seats ea com sell local handcrafts, for exemplo and jóias cerâmica and bottles of multicolored Bedouin areia and striated gives região features.

Or Petra Archaeological Park (PAP) compreende uma area 264 qm em Wadi Musa, um considered local and tourist and archaeological World Heritage List Signup na da UNESCO World Heritage since 1985. A tem uma area paisagem to cut respiração com montanhas pink complexion cujo main ponto é a cidade nabateia fantastic Petra, who sculpted foi na Rocha mais 2000 years.