الأحد، 7 يونيو 2015


What is a pyramid? Is it a polyhedron whose base is a polygon and whose four triangular faces meet at a single vertex? Well yes, that's it, but it's more than that. The pyramid, which in its megalithic release played a very important role in the histories of two civilizations, has excited more speculation and fantasy than any other solid geometric shape. The cubes and other dodecahedrons never had much press that the pyramid. Before conducting the survey on the most fantastic myths with respect to the pyramids, let's review some facts that, in every curious mind, stay even more exciting than fantasy.
The dynastic history of Egyptian civilization covers over 3,000 years, during which the age of the pyramid accounts for less than 500 years, although this form of construction continued in a looser form, for 500 years. There are more than 90 pyramids in Egypt, some in a state of disrepair that they look more like a pile of rubble than anything else.

It is no wonder that so many people have exercised their imagination, speculating as to the purpose of such massive constructions on the methods used for their construction. Although many unknowns still float about the pyramids of Egypt, we do not doubt that they were built according to the funeral rites of the Egyptian religion and their construction methods are quite plausible even in the light of technological limitations of the time. Egyptian religion was based primarily on the belief in a life after death, which depended, to achieve, to protect the remains of the deceased. At the time predynastic important people were buried under a mound of sand whose form seemed to have a religious significance. During the first and second dynasties, the mound became more elaborate and took a rectangular, adorned with a mud brick structure, called "Mastaba". Naturally the mastaba of the Pharaoh was the largest, although it was found fine examples for nobles or officials. During the 3rd Dynasty, about 2680 BC, the Pharaoh of the time, Djoser, and his chancellor, Imhotep, were the promoters of the first pyramid (and therefore the biggest building stones of the world) .

Imhotep was deified as the god of healing by the Egyptians later, perhaps the first example of "God came among men!". It is tempting to speculate and say that Imhotep may have thought one day: "If I put another mastaba on the first and another until I have six, then my Pharaoh would be much more important than his old father. "but the excavations at the pyramid of Djoser revealed that several changes in the plan took place during its construction. First an unusual construction of a square mastaba was made in the material, unusual at the time, that was the stone. Then there were additions at different times, until it takes a rectangular shape and was built up by successive additions, until it becomes a 4-storey pyramid, then expands on both sides and up to $ 6 floors which was its final form. This clearly indicates that there was no sudden appearance of new ideas "from elsewhere" that suddenly transformed the Egyptians "primitive" in brilliant engineers and masons stones, smoky theory proposed by most irrational speculators Egyptian thing. Yet it is clear that Imhotep was an intelligent man, but it is equally clear that his ideas did not spring, from a mysterious source. His learning curve is inscribed in stone.

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