الأحد، 7 يونيو 2015

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is a series of Chinese military fortifications, erected between Fifth BC and sixteenth century to protect the northern border of China.

Today, we consider that this building would measure just under 7,000 kilometers long, approximately six meters high and four wide. In Chinese, the Great Wall is called the long wall of ten thousand li (a li is a Chinese unit of length, and ten thousand symbolizes infinity.). Indeed, the building is nearly 10,000 li.
The history of the Great Wall is as old, if not more, than most of the seven wonders of the world. Early in the first millennium BC, China was divided between several principalities, but theoretically subject to a king. By this time, several local leaders decided to build walls to defend their states.

In the fifth century BC, these hundreds of principalities, through the alliances and wars, had finally formed a dozen great kingdoms, not recognizing the authority of the king. The leaders of these states then decided to build walls to protect themselves (in those days, it was earth walls erected quickly and can resist for many years.). The this period is called the era of the Warring States.

However, during the third century BC, the Qin managed to gain an advantage over its rivals (note that the word "China" probably comes from Qin.). Once they removed, King Ying Zheng was crowned emperor by the name of Shi Huangdi.
The new sovereign, undertaking many reforms, decided to undertake the work of the Great Wall to protect these new possessions in northern kingdom. Today, the sources are particularly deficient as the work of erection of this building. However, many historians believe that Shi Huangdi restored part of the walls already built by his former rivals at the time of the Warring States.

In history and at the discretion of the geopolitical situation, the Great Wall was restored, extended, or abandoned.

Thus, following the death of Shi Huangdi, around 210 BC, his successors managed to retain power and the Qin dynasty ended quickly. In the Han dynasty, the rulers preferred to offer Chinese princesses to the invaders from the north (the Xiongnu.), Rather than maintaining the Great Wall.

Finally, it was the Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, who decided to attack the invaders from the north. From 130 BC, the king launched several expeditions, and had it restored the walls of Shi Huangdi. Pushing the Xiongnu in the Gobi desert, Wudi also made to extend the Great Wall in this region (during his reign, the sovereign erected nearly 1,000 kilometers of walls.)
However, in the seventeenth century, the Manchus were able to invade China (a Chinese officer opened the doors of a portion of the Great Wall. They then quickly seized Beijing, and established the Qing dynasty. annexing Mongolia and extending beyond the Great Wall, it fell into disuse.

Today, the Great Wall has only tourism. Thus, several segments of the wall were restored to accommodate many tourists. However, other portions of the Great Wall are now in ruins (because of time or human activity.)

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